Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Jolie and Rihanna screaming for attention

Everyday new pictures,everyday new scandals,
everyday celebrities screaming for attention in this cruel world.
What a famus person can do to get your attention?

 Jolie sports her engagement ring as she exits the Roosevelt Hotel (April 16) in Hollywood, Calif.
After the "leg" night at  the Oscars, Angie feel like no one give her the right attention
and she feeds the media with her engagement!
after all there's a new movie on the road with Brad Pitt and the promotion cost a lot of money!!!

Rihanna,in the other hand,
change her hair color,wore ugly clothes and she realize that no one give her attention.
(Lady Gaga stole her glory in this sport)
What did she do?
Simple!use the social media to get attention.
The 24-year-old singer posted at her facebook page169 photos of herself and friends
(from her January vacation in Hawaii)
In this photo you can see her throws her bikini top into the air!

in the bottom line..
use a ring for hard times and throw your bikini on camera
you don't know when will be the right time to use it!!!
                                                   xoxo M

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