Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Charlize Theron UK Vogue May cover

Charlize Theron pairs her Versace dress with Jimmy Choo shoes on British Vogue cover,
(on stands April 9).

Miss Theron became a mother recently after adopting a little boy, Jackson.
"I've always been very honest in saying I wanted a family.
I've always known I wanted a family," she tells Vogue, before joking,
"I don't think my mom could wait any more!"

The former model also told Vogue magazine of starting out: "I was too tall, too big, too late for the supermodel look of the Eighties. Kate Moss and all the tiny, grungy girls had just become fashionable, and I didn’t fit the bill."

Stunning Snow White and the Huntsman star Charlize Theron is placed third
in the list of "World's Most Beautiful Woman of 2012" of People's magazine,
first is Beyonce and second is Sofia Vergara.

I honestly don't know who made that list,
but If  MissTheron looks like this when is the Evil Queen,
who wants Snowhite safe?

                            xoxo M

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